Urgent Note From Claire: Serious students only, please!

I'm glad that you've come to check out "TEAS® Insider", a private coaching program that will help you pass your ATI Test of Essential Academic Skills® at once.

The TEAS® Insider Program is currently in private, closed beta testing. We are ensuring over 95% of our students pass the TEAS® test at once.

It's AMAZING how many people are excited for the TEAS® Insider Private Coaching Program to open for registration.

I'm excited to coach you! Unfortunately...

It also means I MAY RUN OUT OF ROOM for everyone well before the training begins in the summer of 2010.

It’s first come, first served. That's the only fair way I can do it.

BUT - I can send you an EARLY notification BEFORE THE PUBLIC, with a private "back door" link to reserve your coaching spot with me.

Just tell me where to email your "Early Bird" invitation below, and you’ll be hearing from me soon!

Public Registration begins Summer of 2010.

Get your Early Bird invitation now!